2024: Time to Rethink the Old Script

Friends – On this collective consciousness occasion of the “Happy New Year” Gregorian Calendar Go-Around, I am simply reposting this message I composed 5 years ago, as I stand by it… It used to be called 2019: Time to Rethink the Old Script. That’s my point: 2019 “new years” is the same old script as 2024 “new years” because this Gregorian calendar and its artificial, linear time system does not evolve our consciousness, and I believe it is crystal clear our human consciousness would greatly benefit from an upgraded operating system…

“Happy New Year!” says everyone today. OK sure, we all love a fresh start, but let’s be aware calling Jan 1 New Years is utterly arbitrary. It’s simply a socially accepted custom the world over, based on our unquestioned allegiance to the Gregorian Calendar of the Roman Vatican that established this Calendar in 1582. What many people don’t realize, is that this Calendar we use to govern our lives is actually an old program that inhibits our connection to our Higher Mind.
Yes, believe it or not – calendars affect our minds, and therefore our lives… Calendars are the central instruments of cultural programs. That’s why the Vatican made such a vast effort to impose their calendar on diverse cultures around the world. The fact is, our global system is still operating on this relic. Our collective consciousness is running on “software” that was last updated back when the Church insisted that the Sun revolved around the Earth.
Unfortunately, our relationship to Time is not something we commonly contemplate. Generally speaking, we blindly accept the historical program of Time we have inherited, without considering its impact on our minds. Regardless of what country you live in, or what your culture or religion is, all of modern society has come to accept “time” as represented by the emptiness of the 12 Gregorian Calendar months which do little to inspire our connection to the larger Universe. If we seek to evolve our culture, we need to be conscious of the cultural programs we operate by so we can make informed choices. This old script of time is not the only option.
So, where does the Gregorian Calendar come from? How did it become the world standard? What historical programs might be inscribed in it? Is this the best calendar choice for our world? Is this calendar helping us prioritize our human roles as shepherds of the planet? Are its cycles inspiring the awakening of our human potential? Or is it merely reinforcing that we keep our focus on paying our bills, working, and trying to just “get through the day?”
The Gregorian Calendar is sourced in the Vatican Catholic Church, Pope Gregory the 13th, and the earlier calendars of Caesar and the Roman Empire. The mathematical structure of the 12-month calendar does not accurately reflect nature’s harmony, as seen in the erratically numbered 28, 29, 30, 31 day months that normalize irregularity. Likewise, in Gregorian time, we are disassociated from the archaic, sacred meanings of the 7 days of the week, and we blindly accept the misnamed 12 months of the year: Sept = 7 and is the 9th month, Oct = 8 and is the 10th month, Nov = 9 and is the 11th month, Dec = 10 and is the 12th month.
Straddling the globe, everywhere we look – from our cellphones, computers, daytimers, TV, doctor’s offices, prisons, presidential offices, banks, supermarkets, elementary schools – we are all told the day’s “date” in Gregorian terms, “Tuesday, January 1, 2024,” – but what does that mean? Is it possible there is more to Time than this empty shell?
I have come to the understanding that the Gregorian Calendar is simply a socially accepted version of time, one that has become the world standard as a result of violent imposition, Christian colonialism, and historical atrocities. Beyond that, it is obscuring our conscious connection to the higher dimensional, non-linear order of true Time in which ALL is synchronized, including the real time of our own natural rhythms, and the natural rhythms of the Earth we live upon, and Universe we dream within.
The ultimate role of a calendar is to guide us with knowledge of the cycles we live amidst, thus illuminating our relationships with all of life, and the inner workings of our human journeys. In this capacity, our modern calendar does not serve us at all. Rather than helping us attune our lives, Dr. Jose Arguelles’ research reveals that the 12-month Gregorian Calendar works in conjunction with the 60-minute mechanical clock to generate the “12:60 artificial timing frequency.”
Within the artificial, linear time paradigm there is a vibration of scarcity underlying our lives, a feeling as though we are perpetually in danger of running out of time. Our minutes seem to all be owned by some obligation, some past regret, or future stress… The clock ticks relentlessly, entraining us into the mechanical pulse of the machine.
Dr. Jose Arguelles summarized that the essence of the 12:60 timing frequency is the concept: “Time is Money.” This mentality carries an often unconscious vibration of survival fear, and its strategy and mode is to separate and compartmentalize. This mind-set can allow the biosphere’s resources – as well as our own human bodies and life-force – to be perceived solely as material worth to be potentially exploited, rather than respected as interconnected sentient beingness.
This linear, mechanistic relationship to time, imbedded in the 12-month calendar and clock, is contrary to the dimension of Natural Time in which all of life – all moments, all beings, all circumstances – are inherently interwoven and synchronized. Natural Time is non-linear and now-centered. Time is understood as an organic symphony of living rhythms; energy; consciousness; infinite possibilities of the unfolding art of beingness; synchronized patterns of fractal aesthetics… Indeed, Nature reflects beauty, and reminds us we too are interconnected reflections of that same potential to actualize beauty and harmony.
A direct pathway to transcending linear time and attuning to the harmony of Nature is to align with the “13:20 natural timing frequency.” Also known as the Universal Frequency of Synchronization, this 13:20 Time map was first recorded by the ancient Maya and then re-articulated by Dr. Jose Arguelles in the form of a 13-Month/28-day Calendar. Also known as The Galactic Calendar, this alternative calendar offers a daily way to evolve beyond the limited, empty 12 month Gregorian Time. We say “Time is Art ~ Life is Art.” From this paradigm, we are all here to beautify our shared planet as a living work of Art! Every day is an invitation to awaken to the magic of synchronicity.
In 13:20 Natural Time, we come to understand the simple yet complex mathematical order that unifies the microcosm of our lives with the macrocosm of the Universe. We discover how to re-connect with our internal sense of natural timing by listening to our bodies rhythms. We discover how to be in The Flow with our own center, and therefore we discover the path to be in harmony with our web of responsibilities and relations; In Sync…
In summary, what we have overlooked as a global culture is that Time is the essence of our lives, and the way we relate to Time affects us at a core level. Nowadays, our sense of time is largely divorced from a connection to Nature’s cycles. In many ways, we have forgotten and lost touch with the sacred and magical dimension of natural time. For the most part, we have been conditioned with a purely linear sense of time.

However, when we look at Nature, we find its true language is not linear at all. Nature speaks in patterns and harmonic ratios, such as the Fibonacci spiral expressed in pine cones, seashells, ocean waves, and the spiral of the galaxy itself. When we only conceive of time as linear, we are cut off from perceiving and experiencing the higher dimensions of life, and the universal harmony we live within. This limited perception stunts the development of our minds, our intuition and our imagination. We live in a non-linear Universe, therefore our cultural entrapment in linear time thwarts us from comprehending the deeper significance and synchronicity underlying our lives and our existence as citizens of the Cosmos.
In these unprecedented moments on Earth, we live in a time of great mystery and unknown. Together, we face tremendous challenges. We are here to help each other find our way to actualize the potential of our human culture. We are all called upon to open to the guidance of Nature, and to attune to our deepest center. We can help be part of the solution by living from our own internal, spiritual guidance; our heart-knowing, that we may follow our inspiration and give our gifts to the world.
Ultimately, my intention for this message is not to say one should not celebrate a new beginning of “2024.” The idea of a “New Year” brings an innocent and welcome sense of renewal, something we all seek instinctively – to start again, fresh. My intention is to inspire an expanded context in which to perceive the Gregorian calendar and the affects of its time prescription. Rather than giving the 12 month calendar the power of our un-examined allegiance, let us empower ourselves with our sovereign connection to Natural Time which always lives within us as our deepest intuition. Let us be re-born every day by finding renewed courage to live from our Hearts.
As a global culture, amidst the cacophony of our modern world, may we seek to hear and honor the wisdom of Nature and its true rhythms and cycles. May we seek to intimately connect with the sacred, indwelling dimension of time that calls us to bring our magic to life, that we may help elevate our human species into harmony with the One Web of Creation.
To the Journey of the ever-changing Art of Now!
In Lak’ech – I am Another Yourself,
Eden Sky
Author of ~ The Galactic Calendar ~

Liberate Your Mind into Natural Time

A humble conclusion

I have arrived at the conclusion, yet again, that the only logical response to the persistently apparent conundrum of our human existence, is Art.

In this light,
I stand naked before Creation
I stand raw within Creation

From the cosmology
born of the stars in my soul,
I affirm that all emanations
and expressions
sourced from our hearts
are drops of pure art
that bless
the one
mysterious existence
that we call Life.

And, from my puzzling
human journey to yours,
I offer this:

Make space
to listen
to your soul

She has a message
for you…

She has a song
to lift your heart up
to face the sky within…

She is waiting
to guide you
to free the past
back to the winds

to re-circulate
the stored

She is your bravest ally,
waiting to show you
the blossoming secrets
of how to regenerate yourself,

how to shatter the old,
worn-out shells,
and invoke

COSMIC RESTART: Oct 21, 2023 Begins a New 260-day Galactic Cycle!

On The Galactic Calendar, we are entering a Cosmic Restart Portal on Oct 21, 2023! It is called Kin 1 – Red Magnetic Dragon. This Galactic Frequency always launches us into a new 260-day galactic creation cycle, a new evolutionary spiral.

This Galactic Frequency signifies a Rebirth moment; a sacred portal inward, inviting us to re-calibrate our perceptions so we can align with manifesting new, positive possibilities.

Feel your unification with people all around the world who are also tuning in to this potent restart and opening to new beginnings!

In these times on Earth with so much darkness, fear, separation, pain, negativity, division, inhumanity, and suffering, we are of most service by Being the Love that we are; by Feeling the Love that we are; by rooting to the knowing inside our spiritual Hearts, and following its guidance.

Our hearts are naturally attuned to the interconnectedness of All of Life. Our hearts know how to emanate and act from a vibration of harmony and upliftment. Our hearts intuitively guide us to Shine the Light that we are, in essence and in action. This Light touches the world.

Yes, we are all here together in these challenging times on Planet Earth that are initiating us into new levels of empowerment!

Regardless of how it may seem or appear, let us know that all of the challenges and suffering we are facing, personally and collectively, are divinely designed to teach us, strengthen us, and evolve our embodiment of wisdom and compassion.

It is time to consciously invite RESTART into the next, ascending level of our lives.

It is time to open to a new chapter in how we relate to existence; Time to Spiral Up!


Setting an intention for your RESTART:
What are you calling in?

Envision fulfillment. Know that radiant joy, health, and harmony is our Divine birth right. Picture these qualities in your life ~ in your family ~ in your community ~ in our world. Hold that vision. Know that the multi-dimensional power of your consciousness is limitless in helping to shape your reality.

By tuning in to that deep potential inside of you, how does that inspire new perceptions, new intentions, and new ways to approach your life’s journey?

What new beginnings and shifts do you want to invoke in your inner and outer world? What habits would you like to release or bring into your life?

In order to transform and evolve beyond the old, we must have self-awareness and deep compassion for the old stories and identities. We must consciously and lovingly compost them, and consciously open and invite new learning, new growth, and new magic.


In honor of this potent time of RESTART, Re-Birth, I invite you to connect to your wisdom-heart, and inquire:

What fear-based perceptions of the world, and anxieties about the future can you release?

What limiting beliefs about who you are are, and what you are capable of, are you ready to let go of?

What small stories about what you can manifest in your life, and how you can show up in the world, are you ready to grow beyond?

What dis-serving choices in how you navigate your days are you ready to shed, and lovingly compost, to create space for new realities to emerge and take root?

Red Dragon asks: What is wanting to BIRTH through you?

What is wanting to actualize in your life in this new galactic creation cycle which spans Oct 21, 2023 – July 7, 2024? (Whether visible or invisible).

What new beginning are you calling in? How can you spiral up?

* * * * * * *





The 260-day Galactic Cycle mapped as a Harmonic Matrix of the Frequencies of Creation. On Oct 21, 2023 we start at the beginning again. This 260-day cycle of time repeats endlessly, always at a higher rung on the ascending spiral of existence.

Here are some more insights into the opportunity of this Cosmic Restart, through the lens of the Galactic Calendar codes. You are invited to reflect on these qualities as you cast your intentions to align with this NEW SPIRAL!

(You may also wish to reflect on the significant milestones in your life that occurred during the previous 260-day cycle: Feb 3, 2023- Oct 20, 2023.)


The Galactic Calendar Codes of this Red Magnetic Dragon Restart include:


Kin 1 always signifies opportunities for New Beginnings and renewed awareness of our Soul Purpose

Kin 1 reminds us that by truly Unifying with our Purpose, we can Magnetically Attract all we need to Fulfill it!


Red Dragon encourages us to focus on NURTURANCE. To meet to potential of this moment, it is essential we prioritize care, tenderness, compassion, and loving kindness towards ourselves and others.

We must honor and embrace our shared feelings of vulnerability in these uncertain times. We must seek and find our inner wisdom of how to support ourselves amidst all of the stress, turmoil, and instability circulating in the world.

We must discover the inner channels to summon our deep capacities for acceptance, calm, courage, clarity, wisdom, and resilience.

In this light, here are some questions you may be inspired to ask yourself:

How can you make a renewed commitment to self-love and self-care?

How can you nurture yourself and find ways to “fill your own cup” so you have energy to serve life and support others?

How can you strengthen your spiritual support system, and connect even more deeply to the Divine as you understand it?

How can you nourish your own multi-dimensional health and generate more resilience?

What tools and practices do you have to center yourself?

In short, in what ways can you support and nurture yourself to open to the next level of your growth and evolution?


This Cosmic Restart calls us to focus on BEING. In our modern society, we often forget we are “human beings,” and we are vastly obsessed with doing. We typically generate our idea of self-worth based only on what we have accomplished or achieved. But it is fundamental to our health and wholeness to establish a relationship to our own inner Self. 

It is essential we learn how to balance the feminine and masculine energies ~ yin and yang ~ being and doing. This Cosmic Restart is inviting us to get in touch with our core Being. Let us remember our essential Self – who we are underneath all of our thoughts and activity and outward agenda. 

When we take time and space to drop into our beingness, we recharge our body and soul. When we re-root to ourselves as human-BEINGS, we re-awaken to our inherent wholeness, and this inner connection can transform our participation in our world.

By grounding over and over again in the essential core of our being, we can access more vitality, peace, and clarity that we can integrate into the creations of our daily lives. As the Vedic masters prescribe: “Established in Being, Perform Action.”

The Galactic Codes of Red Dragon affirm: Regardless of how it may appear, The Universe is Abundant with Nurturance for All Beings; All of The Web of Life is Held by the Embrace of the Primordial Loving Beingness that animates us and sustains us. We visit this place of abundant benevolence when we tune in to our inner silence, the place that precedes thought and concept – before identity and duality and agenda.

That feeling awareness is our beingness; it is the pulse of our interconnectedness; it is our true nature and our home. Our beingness is always present underneath all of our thoughts and activities. It is always available for us to tune in to – and as we learn to do so, we discover the magic of how to re-energize ourselves by re-filling our cup with its calm, spacious presence.


To access our Beingness, we need simply consciously breathe and become present. Feel your body as an instrument of life, with your roots grounding to the Earth, your spine straight, and your crown reaching to the Sky. From there, intentionally focus on your breath, letting go of effort and striving, and become fully present. As you consciously breathe (by simply focusing your mind on your breath and affirming “breathing in I am, breathing out I am), then your mind naturally unifies with your body and you can tune into to your restful, aware, essential Being ~ your inner Source Power!

Regardless of what thoughts or emotions arise, just keep coming back to awareness of your breath as it flows in and out. This allows you to “merge your mind with space” and realize that you don’t have to create an identity from any thoughts, emotions, or sensations. You can simply witness it all, while attuning to the formless, wholeness of your Being. You can do this as often as you remember, for however long you wish. The more you visit this inner dimension, the more natural it will become as a simple practice to recharge yourself throughout your day!

Let us open our hearts and our wisdom-minds in receptivity to this Galactic Time Portal that invites us to align with new, positive possibilities. Let us expand our perceptions of who we are and how our lives can unfold. Let us consciously welcome new life-affirming attitudes. Let us call upon new divine clarity and inspired knowing to guide our steps in these mysterious times.

Our life is a creative adventure, and the more we realize our creative capacities in how we respond to the ongoing challenges of our existence, the more empowered we are to re-frame our circumstances and mold our lives in healthy, harmonious, inspiring ways. The more we thrive and shine in our own lives, the more energies we have to positively show up for all of our relations and responsibilities.


From the consciousness of our Oneness with All of Life, we can realize that each one of us can directly positively contribute to our shared field every time we emanate life-affirming vibrations such as calm, compassion, love, kindness, humility, generosity, faith, surrender, courage, inspiration, gratitude … Each drop IS the Ocean 🙂




In honor of this Cosmic Restart Time, between now and Oct 31, 2023,

we will include a *FREE Holographic Galactivation Sticker with every Galactic Calendar order!

*To get your free sticker, you must EMAIL us right after you order, and let us know the NAME on your order and just say COSMIC RESTART!

Galactic Calendars by SkyTime


White Overtone Wizard Year Edition:
July 26, 2023 – July 25, 2024


Learn more HERE!

This Galactic Calendar will totally transform your relationship to time! It is a magical, fun, easy, empowering, interactive cosmic tool that awakens our Multi-dimensional connection to all of life.

It is designed to free us from the limitations of linear time, and guides us to synchronize with the Natural Time Frequency that we have lost in our artificial, man-made sense of Time.

Inside Galactic Calendar featuring Art by Samuel Farrand

In this system, the rhythms of time speak in a language of energies. These energies give us daily codes and evolutionary insight to awaken to the cosmic adventure that our lives truly are! Join people in 90 countries who are activating the magic of every day with Galactic Time!

Over the years, we have received countless Testimonials of how The Galactic Calendar has uplifted peoples lives…

“For those interested in furthering their spiritual growth, I highly recommend SkyTime’s calendar as a way to free your mind into the higher frequencies that are available on the planet right now.”

“I feel in rhythm with the heartbeat of life! Thank you so much for making this amazingly powerful, super artistically inspiring calendar available.”

Order Galactic Calendars HERE!

Featuring 13 Visionary Artists from around the Globe!
This is our 28th Annual Edition! Made by the SkyTime Family 🙂


Remember – if you order a Galactic Calendar by Oct 31, you can email us: “COSMIC RESTART” and we’ll include a FREE Holographic Galactivation Sticker with your Calendar 🙂 Original design by SkyTime ~ integrating the Flower of Life & The Hunab Ku ~ these stickers will bring magic anywhere you place them!


Blessings From My Heart to Yours,
Eden Sky of SkyTime
Author of The Galactic Calendar

Live the Magic of Every Day
And Help Raise the Frequency on Planet Earth
By Synchronizing with The Galactic Calendar


If you are a Fan of our work, we invite you to help us thrive and take our work to the next level!

PLEASE CHECK OUT GALACTIC CULTURE PATREON:  https://www.patreon.com/skytime

~ May the Universe support us All, to fulfill our greatest potential, as together we journey and grow amidst these most potent days on Earth ~


A Passenger on the Boat of Love

~ Written on Earth Day 2023, as a planetary child to the Mother of us all ~

“Rainbow Boat” by Tessa Mythos

I just want 
to be
a passenger
on the boat
of love

I just want
to be
and holy
in the sea
of my

I just want 
to be
the shores
my heart’s
I am 
to find

to where there
are treasures
for me
to receive
so that in
I can

so that 
I can open
and free
the blessings 
I have
to shine
from inside
of me

I just want
to be
a passenger
on the boat
of love

I just want
to be
by the
that will
take me
to where
I am
to give
the love I have
the love that knows
that love that serves
the love that grows

I just want 
to be
by the 
of time
my mind
to arrive
the new
that is

I just want 
to be
a passenger 
on the boat
of love

I just want
to trust 
the currents 
as they are
as I am,
I just want
to be
that love
of me


What does it mean to obey a Higher Love?

“Love is Divine” Mandala by Diane Lynn Hix

What does it mean to obey a Higher Love?

It means to trust our own unfolding journey, moment by moment, and pay attention to the opportunities we are given to grow.

We are invited to receive the knowing – in our bones, in our cells, in our beings – that Infinite Love is the Source of All.

Infinite Love is the Benevolent Source of all that we experience as glory, joy, triumph, goodness.

Infinite Love is the Benevolent Source of all that we experience as pain, suffering, hardship, tragedy.

Infinite Love is underneath all appearances, all moments, all circumstances, all challenges, all struggles, all beauty, all grace.

Infinite Love is orchestrating our Awakening, and it looks different for each of us, for it gives each of us a unique journey that unfolds in its own living time – its own living, timeless, non-linear, divine timing.

Where do we access true strength from?

Accepting what is – as it is.

That is how to access the power of the present moment.

No healing or positive transformation can unfold without first, genuinely, accepting what is.

Resistance is a dense veil on top of the present moment’s gift.

Resistance is a murky layer of mental quicksand that obscures our capacity to see the deeper opportunity of the present moment.

Make no mistake, all of us who share in this human experience are enrolled in this same Earth School, Cosmic University, and yet amidst our collective learning, we simultaneously each have a unique, custom curriculum, designed and crafted by our own Soul.

All is for learning.
Trust the journey.
Learning is the key to becoming new.
To learn is to receive the gift of love.

Maya: The Magical Practice of Reality

I am re-blogging this recent post from Stephanie South, Lineage Holder of the Galactic Time Teachings, as she offers a never before seen transmission from Jose Arguelles ~ Valum Votan, who is the man who brought the Galactic Calendar teachings to Earth. “Now is the time to invoke the Higher Magic. Here is an ancient-future memory put forth in an unpublished document by Valum Votan called Maya: Magical Practice of Reality.” Enjoy 🙂 Blessings, Eden Skywalker of http://13moon.com

13:20 FREQUENCY SHIFT Yellow Galactic Sun: Kin 60 “I harmonize in order to enlighten … “

The more we awaken to the Reality of our current global situation, the more overwhelmed we can feel. There are those beings, both on and off planet, who are radically against the work of divine evolution and do everything possible to thwart it.

We have to prepare ourselves psychologically and emotionally for the next scenes of the earth movie. All we can control is our inner perceptions and states of consciousness. We are being called to operate from a whole other level of Being.

Now is the time to invoke the Higher Magic. Here is an ancient-future memory put forth in an unpublished document by Valum Votan called Maya: Magical Practice of Reality. 

It reminds us thatReality is not a given but must be practiced into what it becomes.May it tap your memory circuits.

View original post 695 more words

Wakefulness ~

All is the Divine Flow ~ All is for Learning… Each moment of my life is but the poetry of my soul – always editable, always capable of re-creation, re-scripting, re-imagining, re-arranging, re-dreaming… always a sacred work in process… In this creative human quest, this poem full of pain and beauty, may I own my limitless capacities of unconditional acceptance, fearless wisdom, and infinite compassion for myself – and for all beings and life-forms of this Grand Totality of Existence. May my life’s poem be a prayer in action to all-ways learn how to Serve the Whole by awakening to my soul’s capacity to humbly give the gifts I have encoded in me to assist the upliftment of this suffering world – this world out of balance – this traumatized humanity – this wounded Web of Life. May I ever-submit to be Divinely Guided to learn how to embody, incarnate, and channel energies and actions born of the Love that heals, that makes whole, that illuminates, restores, rebalances, nourishes, inspires, beautifies, and evolves our shared journey of Planetary Harmony and Cosmic Awakening…

Blessings from my heart to yours,
Aryz ~ Eden Skywalker

Gratitude energizes our hearts!

Gratitude is one of the most powerful virtues we can cultivate. Gratitude strengthens our immune systems, inspires our minds, energizes our hearts, fuels our beings, replenishes our sense of abundance, and opens us to receive the natural basic goodness of existence.

No matter how challenging life may feel, there are always so many things we can remember we are grateful for.

Aligning with gratitude is one of my essential daily practices ~ it always helps renew my soul and activate my faith and resilience ~ so I can keep showing up for life with a positive attitude and an open heart 🙂

Please enjoy this precious little video!

Gratitude: The Short Film by Louie Schwartzberg from ecodads on Vimeo.

Challenges cultivate our capacities

On The Galactic Calendar, we have about 2 weeks left in the “The Lunar Moon of Challenge” (Aug 23-Sept 19). This is the 2nd month of the Galactic Year that began on July 26 ~ The Yellow Electric Seed Year ~ therefore it is invoking the 2nd Tone of Creation: The Lunar Tone of Challenge.

This is the time cycle to accept our many challenges, and to lucidly pay attention to what options we have in how we can respond to them.

Challenges are inherent in our existence, and we can ever-evolve by how we perceive, respond to, and navigate the many challenges life gives us. Ultimately, challenges invoke growth.

With much love, compassion, and wisdom, may we embrace the challenges in our personal and planetary world as potent initiations that are catalyzing us to cultivate new strengths and new capacities!

In this light, please take a moment and watch this brief video from Eckhart Tolle that perfectly communicates this with humor and insight. 🙂 I believe you will be glad you watched this!

May we All be Divinely Guided to arise into the next level embodiment of our true capacities!

Sending Blessings of Strength, Calm,
Clarity and Courage to All,
Eden Skywalker

Learn more about The Galactic Calendar at http://13moon.com
Make Every Day Magic with The Galactic Calendar!
*Time to Raise the Frequency on Planet Earth*

My perspective on this Gregorian New Year: 2021 :)

As Author of The Galactic Calendar, I want to offer my perspective on this moment, and how I am holding this particular Jan 1 New Year. While I have spent 25 years trying to educate the world about the need to evolve beyond the artificial Gregorian Calendar, I am trying a new approach this time in how I approach the topic, and I am seeking to world-bridge. In that light, perhaps you will find this message helpful to share with others 🙂

Ultimately, as human beings on Planet Earth, I feel it is very beneficial for us to acknowledge our journey of completing an orbit around our Sun. Regardless of the day we mark as the start of a New Year, it is wise to reflect on how we have grown in our lives, personally and collectively during the course of a Solar Year.

It is through self-reflection that we can consciously evolve, which ideally is our souls’ aspiration. As Bolivian Shaman Chamalu says. “Our only destiny is to grow.” By taking inner inventory, we learn self-intimacy and discover how to refine how we navigate our life’s path. We know that every single one of us affects and contributes to the whole. Together we are constantly defining what it means to be human, and co-creating our collective culture.

From a Galactic Culture perspective, our human existence is a gift, a responsibility, an opportunity to awaken to our true, multi-dimensional nature as planetary and cosmic citizens.

Likely we realize that our 365-day orbit around our Sun can be tracked in multiple ways. The Gregorian Year Jan 1 – Dec 31 is simply one way. While it is the predominant calendar system in use, unfortunately it does little to nothing to inspire the evolution of our human potential, nor does it synchronize us with genuine natural or cosmic cycles. (Learn more)

As everyone knows, there are many different New Year dates observed by different calendars. Everyone has heard of different Seasonal New Years beginning on Equinox or Solstices, and of course the many Lunar New Years (such as Chinese, Tibetan, Hebrew, Islamic etc).

There is also a Galactic New Year which is observed by people all around the globe, of all different cultures, that is always July 26. This alternative, new paradigm system of Time has been my passion for the past 25 years as it is a life-changing map of time that serves to awaken us from “cosmic amnesia.” 🙂 Every year, every day, every 13 day cycle, every 28 day cycle offers codes designed to accelerate our mental and spiritual evolution.

From this Galactic Calendar reference point, we actually have 7 months left to complete in this 365-day orbit that started July 26!

On the Galactic Calendar, July 26, 2020 was the start of The Blue Lunar Storm Year. Put simply, the Galactic frequencies of this year are literally delineated as bringing: a Storm of Challenge; a Tempest of Transformation; a mandate to stabilize inner and outer reality; a quest to learn from polarization; a call to see the toxicity of duality; a necessity to find our calm center as the world churns in chaos, uncertainty, breakdown, breakthough; a summons to align with our inner thunderbeing who knows how to be a positive WorldChanger; an invitation to wield the lightning of our soul and arise as a conscious alchemist of energies and frequencies.

Long story short, I understand the “natural basic goodness” of celebrating 2021 as a time of new beginnings. So, when reviewing your journey through 2020, and contemplating your shift into 2021, if it resonates with you, I invite you to simultaneously explore this Galactic Calendar perspective that we also have more than 7 months left in this Blue Lunar Storm Year! Ask yourself: Where are you amidst this Storm of Challenge? Where have you grown in resilience? How can you support yourself in continuing to adapt and buff your super powers?

Keep in mind we must continue to embrace the ongoing challenges we are all going through. We must continue to affirm our desire to consciously grow. We must find ways to consciously support and nurture ourselves. We must accept that personal and collective challenges serve to strengthen us. And, ultimately, we must realize that the more gratitude we can have for the challenges themselves, the more clarity and courage we can find within our hearts to keep lucidly walking our path together, with compassion and care for the whole of life.

There will never be a way to actually run from the challenges of life. So let us instead devote ourselves to discovering the sanctuary of our own calm, spiritual centers. From this inner refuge, we can fuel and fortify our beings to keep showing up for the adventure of our shared human journey.

Let us see with eyes of inner wisdom. Let us see the beauty in ourselves, the beauty in each other, and the beauty in life itself.

~Let us bow to the ever present new beginning of every now moment~

Blessings to you all,

Eden Sky
Author of The Galactic Calendar
Make Every Day Magic!

Galactic Calendars currently on 25% OFF SALE @ http://13moon.com 🙂